Nangs Gold Coast

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1x Miami Magic 615g Tank + 10 pack flavour whipped cream chargers

In Stock


Product Details

Experience the best of both worlds with our combo! Miami Magic offers industry-leading quality in 9g blue cream chargers, perfect for preparing drinks and dishes inspired by the Miami lifestyle. Pair it with the InfusionWhip Flavour-Infused Nitrous Oxide chargers, each containing 8.2g of certified pure nitrous oxide, ideal for rapid flavour infusions. Together, they provide a fun and versatile solution for creating delicious treats and cocktails.

Product Highlights

  • Miami Magic: Quality 9g chargers
  • FreshWhip Infusions: Rapid flavours
  • Rust prevention
  • 100% recyclable steel
  • Miami lifestyle inspired
  • Certified pure nitrous oxide
  • Versatile for treats and cocktails

This combo deal has 1 unit of Miami Magic 615g tank and 1 unit of Fresh Whip Infusions Flavours Chargers (10 cream chargers in one pack). From our collection of flavours, you can pick your favourite.

Freshwhip Infusions Charger Flavors

Mango – Blueberry 





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What Our Customers Are Saying

Just received and very happy with the product quality. Customer service is good
I bought Miami Magic Infusions for second time from Nangs GC. Highly trusted for bulk orders
Great value for money and tank lasted for long time. Happy with the Infusion Max flavor purchase.
They gave me combo deals on Miami Magic Infusions tanks. Got N2O tanks on budget.
When my trip to Australia, I couldn’t find a blueberry flavored N2O canister at hotel. Tried Nangs GC and they delivered within 15 minutes. Good for tourist!
Needed cream chargers for home baking. They arrived fast and taste is amazing. I'll stick with these guys from now on. Thanks!
I love Nangs Gold Coast bcoz they give exciting deals. Just received isi cream chargers with combo deal. Thank you!
Came much faster than expected. Infusionwhip Mango Flavoured N2O Cannister is great in quality. I will highly prefer for party orders.
Needed cream chargers for fun at concert. Tried Nangs Gc and they arrived at the spot quickly. Provide on-demand help!
Last minute catering demand at big event and I was totally confused what to do. I searched online and order from them. Really life saver. I will continue buy from them.
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